Scientology Can Be Fun For Everyone

Some Ideas on Scientology You Should Know

That his survival depends upon himself and upon his others, and his achievement of league with the World.(from Those Curious New Cults, by William J. Petersen) Just How, then, can Scientology be assessed by biblical Christianity? Its main assumption that guy is generally good is not biblical.

Second, Scientology's highest authority is not Jesus Christ or the Christian Holy bible however a science fiction writer called L. Ron Hubbard. Third, to Scientology God is unnecessary.

Publications are sold, counseling sessions are costly. Absolutely nothing is claimed regarding the plight of the inadequate, the ill, the homeless and oppressed. According to Time magazine, one female stated, "It's the only church I've seen with a cashier's cubicle." Comparison that to biblical Christianity which provides salvation without money and without cost.

Man's factor will certainly generate best actions and as a result address all the issues of the human circumstance. (from The Obstacle of the Cults, by Maurice Burrell) Scientology: Although the Holy bible is utilized to boost up the sect's concepts, the source of Scientology's approach and technology is Hubbard himself. Christianity: As words of God, the Scriptures is the yardstick versus which all insurance claims (consisting of those of Hubbard) need to be determined.

Excitement About Scientology

Christianity: God is Trinity, Dad, Kid and Holy Spirit, 3 Individuals within the unity of the Godhead. Scientology: Christ has no essential or central place in the sect's trainings. Christianity: "God sent his Kid to be the Rescuer of the world." Scientology: Man is primarily great, but "engrams" (emotional problems) avoid him from reaching his complete potential (Scientology).

Christianity: Male needs to be conserved from transgression and to be offered brand-new life. Both are available from God through belief in Christ. Atack, Jon. 1990. An Item of Blue Skies. Secaucus, New Jacket: Carol Posting Team. Burrell, Maurice. 1982. The Challenge of the Cults. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House.

1987. L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman. Secaucus, New Jersey: Lyle Stuart. King, Francis. 1970. Ritual Magic in England. London: Neville Spearman, Ltd. . Miller, Russell. 1987. Bare Dealt With Messiah: Real Tale of L. Ron Hubbard. London: Penguin Books, Ltd. . Petersen, William. 1982. Those Interested New Cults in the 80's.

Some Known Questions About Scientology.

Composed by L. Ron Hubbard in September 1965. A world without madness, without criminals and without war, where the able can thrive and truthful beings can have civil liberties, and where Guy is free to climb to better elevations, are the aims of Scientology. First revealed to an enturbulated world in 1950, these aims are well within the grip of our technology.

We seek no revolution - Scientology. We seek just advancement to higher states of being for the specific and for culture. We are attaining our purposes. After countless millennia of lack of knowledge about himself, his mind and the universe, a development has actually been made for Guy. Various other initiatives Man has actually made have been useful link gone beyond.

We welcome you to Scientology. We just expect of you your assistance in achieving our objectives and aiding others. We expect you to be helped. Scientology is the most crucial movement on Earth today. In a stormy globe the job is challenging. Then, if it were, we wouldn't have to be doing it.

Not known Facts About Scientology

We appreciate you and believe you as well can help. Scientology does not owe its aid. Male presumes all offers of help.

The sun never establishes on Scientology. And may a brand-new day dawn for you, for those you like and for Man.

In the words of L. Ron Hubbard himself, the objectives of Scientology are: "a human being without madness, without lawbreakers and without war, where the able can flourish, and honest beings can have civil liberties, and where male is complimentary to rise to greater heights." (See What Is Scientology?) As article the objective for the individual, Scientology goes after the salvation of guy, his spiritual freedom and the freedom of the obstacles which existence has been troubling him.

The search for duty is the highway where Scientologists seek their liberty; duty which needs improving our life which of our fellow man before getting to premium objectives. Objectives of such breadth can not be gotten to entirely through pastoral work executed by the followers. Because of that, the Church of Scientology International developed different teams or associations which accomplish social campaigns committed to those objectives.

The Of Scientology

For Scientologists, real self is the spirit, the thetan, the everlasting significance of each person. For millions and countless years before this life, the thetan has existed and populated many bodies. This procedure of going on and being reborn as an infant in a brand-new body, called reincarnation or regeneration in some eastern religions, takes place as a natural and normal component of deep space.

It would reverberate with the picture in the Bhagavadgita of passing away as analogous to somebody losing garments (the body) and placing on brand-new clothing (a brand-new body). his response At the same time, it likewise differs in vital areas from eastern concepts. As an example, there is no idea in fate neither is the thetan seen as experiencing any kind of sort of ethical judgment in between lives that has any type of function in determining its next incarnation.

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